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2006-08-13 00:21:51| 人氣350| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Make it

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I now make some small goals for myself.

1.Morning swimming every day, except the days aren’t available.
2.English writing
3.TOEIC- have another test in the near future.

I feel happy every day now, because I did make the small things for myself.

It is also a good way to train personal willing.
Be a strong-minded person, then you can help others if you like.

I love to stay with friends and relatives. For instance, I have conversation with my niece tonight in English to encourage her to learn more in a easier and happy way.

I took mom to the swimming poor this afternoon with Leanne and her little nice sister. Mom didn’t know how to swim so she kept spurting the water on my face when she lifted her head above the water which was funny and cute.

I don’t think I can have children like me when I were her age at 50. So sometimes, it is a good thing to have baby when you are still young, then when you get older, you will have children to take care of you.

It is my first step to use English expres myself, I hope my grammer can be more accuracy in the future,so, stay with me. I will try to imporve,and you will see.

Have a nice weekend, my friends.

Love Hedy

台長: 童年
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

您好。我自己也有一個關於TOEIC的BLOG,想跟你分享一下。希望能幫大家多瞭解TOEIC的考試。在我的BLOG我有介紹TOEIC的考試,第一道第三個部分。提供MP3還有一些小考試給大家聯係。全部是我自己做的。目前我第四道第八個部分還沒貼上去,但是又空的時候一定會貼上去。我對TOEIC有興趣因爲最近我發現越來越多人想考TOEIC.應該是一些人覺得TOEIC會幫助他們找到穩定的活著薪水高一點的工作。因此,想幫大家。Thank you。
2013-01-08 11:30:28
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