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2010-05-10 23:07:15| 人氣17| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Daily life

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It is raining. Today is not a hot day. it's very comfortable. I like this kind of weather not hot.But when I walk to the street, fell a little bit chilly.

Before the Monther's Day's week. I went back to Baihe , when I was driving the car, I saw the lotus filed, I saw a lot of lotus, my Monther said this month is the right season for enjoying the lotus.

The prefect season to see lotus is on May June and July, after June, the lotus will getting less and less. Also the temperature will getting hotter. so the best month to see lotus is on May and June.

It is still raining outside, time to go to bed

台長: 魔羯男
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