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2005-04-29 00:58:16| 人氣517| 回應0 | 下一篇

Blackadder Raw Cask 啟航

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說起Blackadder 或許還許多人未曾像我如此幸運,有機會品嚐這風味十足,餘韻猶存

的十足Spirit,所謂Raw cask 是指未經以焦糖染色與冷過濾過程,保持原桶原味的單


Blackadder 一定有潛力獲得酒客的青睞,因為他的味道真的是太難以忘懷,絕對是

品質掛Still unknown to the public,,that'a true, not everyone is as lucky as me when i have a magnificent chance to taste that palateful single malt whisky, abundant in perfect and lasting finish in the end. So called raw cask is meant to be without colouring with caramel and chill filtration as well as keeping the spirit at cask strength. Though the Macallan single malt whisky is leading the market,blackadder as i ensure,will gain its reputation and become every whisky-lover first choice for quality is always maintained without any exception.

台長: Hans
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