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很有趣喔,以下埃及香膏的保養概念 (那個我是原作者)















所以他們做了些什麼呢?原本穀物蒸餾做成酒精清潔皮膚!是的,就是『伏特加』,基本上發明用來清潔傷口,打開並清潔身體最大的器官『皮膚』。他們會將這種酒精,與我們今天說的小蘇打粉(bicarb soda)混合一個稠度,用來擦拭皮膚產生去角質的作用殺死所有酸性的細菌等等,打開皮膚,讓皮膚功能更加順暢。


過去5年來,我一直在跟數千位聽眾分享這個想法。很多人無法置信,只是幾堂課(或幾次的療程?) 皮膚的感覺跟外表就有神奇的變化。更不用說曝曬在陽光下,身體能製造更多的維生素D,更容易曬成古銅色,但不會曬傷。只是多加椰子油,就讓人驚嘆,很多人能直接在室外待好幾個小時,也不會曬傷。








所以我怎麼做?你曾經要付2000美元來參加我的周末課程才能找到答案的。 但現在這些小撇不都是不用錢的!!








這個連結還不算原始連結 原作者叫Tyler Tolman



~ Egyptian Paste ~


Sometimes I wonder if people realize that the skin works a lot like the liver to keep us healthy and free from toxicity.


Did you know that when the skin is working optimally it eliminates up to 2 kgs of material per day? We are a civilization that believes putting some soap on our bodies is actually cleaning us. To some degree this is true, but most of the time soaps have chemicals for smell and other qualities that are actually carcinogenic.


Your skin is comprised of 7 layers of dermis and epidermis which if we want to function in the highest capacity to keep us toxin free than we need to give it a little more attention.


Most people dont realize that yeast, parasites, bacteria, fungus and petrochemical get clogged up in our skin. The skin is naturally an acidic environment which can become breeding grounds for things that would downright scare the crap out of you if you could see it.


So whats the solution? Well for this all we need to do is look back a few thousand years to the ancient Egyptians (known for their cleanliness and personal hygiene above all cultures) even the Greeks with their advancements and public bathing etc were dumbfounded at how clean and neat the Egyptians were.


So what did they do? Well originally grains were distilled to make alcohol to clean the skin! Yes "vodka" essentially was invented to clean wounds and open up and clean the largest organ of the body "the skin". They would mix this alcohol with what we today call "bicarb soda" into a putty consistency and they would scrub the skin all over their bodies to kill all the acidic bacteria etc and to open the skin so it could function optimally.


I have been sharing this of many processes for the last 5 years to thousands of people. Most of them cant believe how amazing their skin feels and looks after just a few sessions of this. Not to mention when going in the sun your body has the ability to make more Vit D and tends to tan easier and not burn. By simply adding coconut oil I have found many ozzies and others have been able to go out for hours in direct sun without burning.


A good friend of mine on the Gold Coast Michael brown (red head & fair skin) would easily burn every time he went into the sun. He started this process religiously and now can go out for hours and has a great tan.


This is important because petro chemicals in sunscreen actually cause skin cancer. And the more people that get skin cancer the more people use sunscreen its a nasty cycle.

So imagine how much your liver and kidneys and other organs will love you if your skin is eliminating the brunt of the toxicity that gets into our bodies from these modern times.


So what do i do? Well you used to have to pay $2,000 and come to one of my weekend courses to find out. But here it is for Free!!


Buy the cheapest bottle of triple distiller VODKA and some aluminium free BI-CARB SODA mix the 2 in a Jar with a lid till its a putty consistency. Have it next to you the next time you shower. Get In and rinse off. Then turn off the shower and scrub your entire body with this putty (I use a scrub brush, a mit or a loofah) I scrub head, face, arms, legs everywhere. You might even get an itch in certain spots. I recommend focusing more on those spots and when your done scrubbing. Get back into the shower and rinse off. Thats it.


Then I recommend getting into the sun for 20-45 min. Depending on how much sun you can handle at first. Then just build up from there. Sun or no your skin will be loving how open and clean it is. Cleaner than it has been in years. This will take the workload off your other organs and keep you healthy and beautiful!!


Thanks for reading this post. If ya like it be sure to share with your friends and I will keep these kinds of posts coming. Cheers :0)


Tyler Tolman TT

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