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英語一對一教學 學講英文 英語學習計畫 aim中文意思是什麼

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    自己學英文 全民英檢測驗學習的英文 英文會話教學商用英文檢定 英文家教網外籍老師日語課程 大家說英語app學英文的好方法 線上免費學英語 學美國英語課本線上學英文廣播 英文學習app英語一對一教學 學講英文 英語學習計畫美語補習班評價 英文聽力網站 英語會話課程推薦




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1. American Indian Movement 美國印第安人運動。

2. air intercept missile 空中截擊導彈。

vi. 不及物動詞 1. 瞄準,針對。

2. 指望,企圖,旨在 (at)。

vt. 及物動詞 把…瞄準,把…指向;把…擲向 (at)。

aim a pistol at sb. 以手槍瞄準某人。

aim a book at sb. 's head 拿起一本書向某人的頭上扔去。

n. 名詞 1. 照準,瞄準;靶子,目標。

2. 目的,志向;宗旨。

  • This part contains accidence analyzing, phrasing analyzing, semantic analyzing and creating aim code

  • Abstract : to specialize the experiments in analytic chemistry is to establish the training of students ' practical technique and vocational ability as the key aim of the course of analytic chemical experiments, to combine the teaching of analytic chemical experiments with the specialized courses and infiltrate it into those courses, and to integrate the teaching of analytic chemical experiments into specialized teaching and make it play a more important role in specialized teaching

  • In outpatient service of epileptic specialized subject, what secure relatively is have masterly the doctor that treats a technology, have unified diagnostic level, can have thorough analysis and research to diagnose and be being treated, hand - in - hand travel periodic is followed visit observation ; can the specific characteristic according to patient ' s condition of a certain patient, make individual change, the plan of diagnosis and treatment that has specific aim, build corresponding card, anamnesis and observation form to wait, for epileptic cure research was offerred convenient ; conduct propaganda concerns epileptic basic knowledge, reach birth arrangement to the patient ' s life, job, study, marriage, offer rationalize proposal ; make the patient ' s diagnosis, anthology medicine, dosage, usage, side - effect, curative effect, accompany behavior of disease, intellectual growth, spirit, mentation to wait to lie under close observation of the doctor

  • Aim to study two new arithmetical functions

  • The aim of the assailant seemed to be to enter the mill, but that of the defenders to beat them off.


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