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英語線上學習 多益初級 mail maps中文意思是什麼

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    看影集學英文 台灣英語教育 找英文家教免費英語學習網站 聽音樂學英文美語補習班 免費英文網站 進修 英文多益介紹 myu 家教英語線上學習 多益初級高雄高中英文家教老師 美語英語會話家教 全民英檢gept補習班查詢 英文口語對話 多益toeic



mail maps中文意思是什麼

mail maps解釋

情境英文會話 全民英檢學習網站 郵寄地圖

  • mail: n 鎖子甲;鎧甲;(動物的)鎖子狀甲殼。vt 使穿鎖子甲。n 1 郵政;郵袋;〈the mail〉〈美國〉(一批)...
  • maps: madras核能發電廠

  • A doorway between the human realm and the spiritual realm has been opened, and now the technology that once made humankind the ruler of the planet has become its digital achilles heel. with every call made and every e - mail checked, life is slowly being stolen from the living and claimed for the dead

  • The complete addressee address, whether or not the e - mail is sent out

  • By this postal service, express delivery mail from the addresser shall be transported with schedule flights, through closely - link transport means on the way, to the post office at the destination, where it is immediately delivered to the addressee by hand

  • It includes " cats and dogs " stamp set of 5 ( picture 1 ) issued by australia post, the " christmas 2004 " self - adhesive stamp set of 6 ( picture 2 ) issued by british royal mail, " a day at the beach " stamp set of 2 and single self - adhesive stamp ( picture 3 ) issued by new zealand post and the " my dream for peace one day " datestamped first day cover with a set of 6 stamps issued by united nations postal administration ( picture 4 )

    包括由澳洲郵政發行的貓與狗一套五枚郵票(圖1 ) 、由英國皇家郵政發行的聖誕節2004一套六枚自動黏貼郵票(圖2 ) 、由紐西蘭郵政發行的在海灘的日子一套兩枚郵票及單枚自動黏貼郵票(圖3 )及由聯合國郵政發行的我的夢想:世界和平已蓋銷首日封連一套六枚郵票(圖4 ) 。
  • The enclosed photograph illustrates the overseas philatelic products to be put on sale as from 17 november 2005. it includes " be proud of our motherland - china s shenzhou vi space mission " presentation pack ( picture 1 ) issued by china post, " australian native trees " stamp set of 5 ( picture 2 ) issued by australia post, " let s dance - bailemos " minipane ( 5 sets of 20 self - adhesive stamps ) ( picture 3 ) issued by usps, " classic itv " stamp set of 6 ( picture 4 ) issued by royal mail photograph provided by hongkong post

    包括由中國郵政發行的」我為祖國驕傲」神州六號套摺(圖1 ) 、由澳洲郵政發行的澳洲珍木郵票(一套五枚) (圖2 ) 、由美國郵政發行的舞出拉丁情懷小版張(附有五套共二十枚自動黏貼郵票) (圖3 )及由英國皇家郵政發行的英國獨立電視經典節目回顧郵票(一套六枚) (圖4 )

    mail list, mail lists, mail log, mail match, mail matter with value declared, mail merge

    mail maps中文意思是什麼

    英語 免費線上英文 美語會話誌
      學英文 英文歌 臺北外籍英文家教老師學習美語 高雄英文家教班 線上看電影學英文免費英文會話網站 如何教英文美語 發音 英文 英文免費學習網站補習班的英文 網上英語發音 全民英檢高級初試英檢 多益補習班gept報名 補習 英文 免費學習英文網站英語會話家教 全民英檢gept全民英檢往 空中英語教線上英文學習網 新竹學英文


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