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guild wars 2 power leveling Zhoushan Islands tourism invest

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129859107769375000_104Xinhuanet, Beijing, July 4-question: the Chinese Buddhist mountains in response to public controversy: listed assets and livelihood, the Temple of the Buddha clearly Xinhua Yao Zhang Liang Saiyu Buddhist mountains in China putuoshan, wutaishan scrambled to preparation for the listing, such as messaging, aroused public interest and controversy in recent days. Company officials told reporters, the Temple still belonging to the Buddhist Association within the system, do notAs listing principals. Listing of assets and livelihood, the Temple of the Buddha clearly. Putuoshan development General Manager involved in the dispute said Mao Jiantao, PuTuo mountain tourism integration in preparation for the listing of, took note of the relevant provisions require listing the main asset consolidation range. Putuoshan is the integration of competitive industries, for example, bus, tramway, the tourist souvenir of the island, Nothing to do with monopolization resource, and does not contain ticket, nor does it include the temples. "Buddhist Association, the major monasteries still belong to the Buddhist Association within the system, and listed the main article is two lines, Buddhist Association original works how to operate in the future. "Mao Jiantao said. Mao Jiantao said, admittedly, PuTuo mountain as a scenic area of the impact and influence of religion is inseparable from but if access to capital markets operations, Listing assets and livelihood, the Temple of the Buddha clearly. "Listing the main consolidation of these companies around tourism services management, is concerned that provide a variety of ancillary services for tourists". Located in the Zhejiang Zhoushan PuTuo mountain, is "China's four famous Buddhist mountains", one of the PuTuo mountain Buddhism the main goddess, including the puji Temple, law of rain on the island Temple, temples, meditationHomes, is the national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot, 2011 passenger traffic exceeding 5 million passengers. According to reports, listed as main mountain tourist development company limited was founded in 2008, by the Group of putuoshan, Zhoushan Islands tourism investment and development limited, Zhejiang tourism group jointly funded the formation of three, the current capital of approximately 380 million Yuan."According to preliminary rough estimate, if the putuoshan consolidated listing, the first wave of funds may be raised at about 750 million dollars. "Mao Jiantao said that consolidated listing has been planned for three years, was first wished to adopt the financing for the expansion of tourism development, integrating tourism resources to leverage the entire development of Zhoushan tourism; as putuoshan need marketing, listing can expand awareness; lastStandard development of the city in favour of mountain tourism. According to reports, at present, PuTuo mountain tourism development has entered a period of listing preparation guidance. Mao Jiantao said, is expected to enter the material declared in 2-3 years with the fastest stage. Another is involved in listing disputes in Xinzhou wutaishan in Shanxi province. North-East of Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, its row upon row of temple constitute the East Asia and the worldExisting ancient building of the largest Buddhist group gw2 power leveling, is the first, the biggest Buddhist temple. In 2009, Mount Wutai inscribed on the World Heritage list. Wutai Mountain Jiao 璟qi, Director of the News Office disclosed to reporters, 2010 wutaishan began preparation for the listing, listing is currently in operation. Jiao 璟qi said, wutaishan listed are speeding up the consolidation, through the acquisition of adequate, replacement of titleManner, integrating tourism markets and parking lots, wutaishan international travel service, the ancient building companies, cable companies, tourist centers, our passenger transport company, to set up enterprises, relying on registered tourism assets management limited subsidiaries of Wutai Mountain wutaishan investment company limited, efforts through capital markets "first try", the realization Enterprise listing, improving capital management capacity, bigger and strongerA strong tourism industry. Fully modified construction project in pilot areas in Shanxi province, Xinzhou wutaishan listing is its focus, expected to be completed by the end of 2012 wutaishan listing preparation work. Buddhist mountains competing listing critical public opinion in China is almost overwhelmingly, interspersed with disgust to the money in the name of God ring, revealed the melancholy of the pure land loss. Friends have an exclamation point road: "Now there is no pure land, everything for profit. Public encouragement of reduced at this point, who should be responsible? Sad! "Insiders also point out that, Buddhist mountains listed is in the form of travel companies, in fact, play the tourist card, enjoy both religious reputation bonuses, places of worship but does not use the core package guild wars 2 power leveling, so the unit is not very different from the concept of nature and other tourist, mainly publicPsychologically difficult to accept. (Editors: Cao Lu璠)

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