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2014-03-13 15:08:59| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Little differences you want during Patch 4.1 rmtbuddyguildwa

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Breakfast Question: Little differences you want during Patch 4.1
I am going to admit, at least I love completely new patches, I won't get way too excited about the revolutionary content arriving patch Five.1. I'm not even halfway done with lots of the new Mists rmtbuddyguildwars2powerleveling about Pandaria content. I have dailies to run, valor specifics to acquire, raids to finish. Ways to get on all of the patch 5.1 coach yet?In any event, I continue to love taking a chance on variations. Right now, then again, I'm not centered on the big items, like large balance adjustments and completely new content. We're thinking of the insufficient tweaks they could make which would really help us out.I think the biggest issues for me revolve around bag breathing space. I'd wish to see Cheaper Charms of great Fortune manifest into currency so they really didn't a mess up our bags a lot. While you're advertising online, make Renovated Artifacts into currency also. For that matter, produce a nice, straight forward, 24 as well gw2 power leveling as 26 slots bag recipke using Windwool Cloth so I am not saying stuck saving expensive exercise mats and seriously grinding Sept Celestials rep in my small tailor used just for a chance from more traditional bank space anytime before next season.What bit of changes, transformations that don't actually affect harmony or include major swathes of the latest content, so you want to see for patch 4.1?
Lunch break Topic: Smaller changes you wish in Region 5.A

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