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Man found in Hong Kong 'injures 11 in knife attack' Thirty one July 2013Last up graded at Twelve:10 GMT Share this article Delicious Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Email Print Man in Hong Kong 'injures 14 in blade attack' Continue reading the principle storyRelated StoriesMan held over China stabbing deathsChinese individual 'stabs five to successfully death'China media: 'Vicious incidents' A boyfriend has attacked passengers in a bus throughout Hong Kong with a cutting knife and damaged at least 9 people, research indicates. The man, Fifty-seven, took out some sort of meat cleaver not to mention attacked chap employees as they definitely travelled for the company coach to work. Most of your gw2 power leveling victims left for hospital with regard to treatment however , suffered exclusively minor damage. The man was basically subdued with passengers and then was eventually arrested by police. Her motive for the attack weren't immediately best-known. The bus is carrying in excess of 20 persons when the invasion happened when it comes to Tuen guild wars 2 power leveling Mun district, approximately one hour away from Victoria Conceal, local marketing reported. "The gentleman suddenly attacked by an assailant a few of the a woman colleagues including a male colleague who were located the back rows of the motor coach rv a few minutes after it are setting off," authorities inspector Kelvin Internet protocol address told multimedia. "We found any cleaver, which most people suspect to have been employed to attack the folks, at the picture," he said, adding it has blood within the knife. The fellow had no old history of mental health illness, police say. One of the woman's passengers a finger take off, according to stories. The incident adheres to a number of new knife approaches in mainland China. A Monday, law enforcement agency in Shenzhen , an hour's teach away from Hong Kong . . . detained men for stabbing some people to departure. His arrest sprang days to another man was basically arrested for Henan province for any knife infiltration that left five. Person in Hong Kong 'injures 11 in dagger attack'

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