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gw2 power leveling a statue of Song dynasty GE kiln celadon

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129859193760468750_88Most insurance companies have made it clear that security investment of precious metals. Although the bars have become part of the family property investment, but it is not a part of the family property insurance. Recently, the people she met such a helpless thing: "this just two days to catch up with family property insurance renewal, I meant to spend 500,000 dollars for gold bullion insurance, onlyHad been refused insurance. "Insurance companies refused on the grounds that" moral hazard is too high ", Madame Liu, more do not understand: he is not go beyond moral bounds of honest men, how's that" moral hazard "? $ 500,000 worth of gold bars denied she had recently bought $ 500,000 worth of investment gold bullion from a Bank, when she wants to buy this expensive bars an insurance when they encounter a problem. "June17th happens to be my family property insurance renewal date, but the insurance company refused to give gold bars of the insured. "She said, insurance companies refused on the grounds that" moral hazard is too high ", that she is not understood. Industry insiders said, gold bars belonging to the items with special risks, insurance companies are not insured, and the so-called "moral hazard" does not refer to Ms LAU's characterIs just a special terms for insurance. Joint casualty China Qingdao branch a staff member surnamed Wong explained that if members of the public (the insured) deliberately causing the accident insurance due to higher insurance benefits guild wars 2 power leveling, this is the "moral hazard". Up to 5,000 additional risks as far as I understand, most insurance companies in the city has made it clear that security investment of precious metals, but individual companies locatedSimilar schools "gold and silver jewelry insurance" of additional risks gw2 power leveling, but generally a maximum of 5,000 yuan. Ping an property of Qingdao branch staff member said that gold and silver jewelry are generally agreed in consultation with the insurance company personnel of the insured, such as buying a piece of investment gold bullion, agreed cover price of 5,000 yuan, even when there is a claim, gold prices have even turned several times,Insurance company is carried out in accordance with the agreed price when the insured claim. Even if the sum insured only 5,000 yuan, the insurance company "gold and silver jewelry insurance" claims there are numerous restrictions, in many cases not be paid. For example, "gold and silver jewelry insurance due to the unlocked door suffered the theft loss", "insurance of gold and silver jewelry in the store premises were unoccupied or unattended for more than 15 daysCondition theft losses "and so on. Link antiques, paintings and insurance last year the National Palace Museum, a statue of Song dynasty GE kiln celadon glaze with Kwai orifice plate is damaged, so that the "art insurance" into the public eye, today still did not form a market for such insurance. Industry insiders said, in fact, the art collection faces a variety of risks. General casualty insurance only fixed property, the sum insured is moreLow, collectibles, antiques, paintings, jewelry, and so since value is difficult to determine, is not included in the range.

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