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gw2 power leveling States "Huimin subsidies

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129858981906250000_222Interview: meiling National Chief energy expert Wei Bangfu Near-time, States "Huimin subsidies, energy-saving appliances," "step pricing" policies of two major home appliances related scares caused a selling climax of energy saving products, one side is the ladder of electricity price delivery pressure, energy subsidies policy starts bringing stimulus, on the other, pressure and incentive dual policies of overlay, inject new vitality into the market for energy-efficient appliances. In appliances guild wars 2 power leveling, iceBox is 24-hour shutdown in our family of products, is also a consumer concern is not high but most frequently used appliance, so naturally, its level of energy-saving relationships with our monthly electricity bill. In the refrigerator industry, energy conservation is not only the current growing trend, more is to become a basic requirement for household electrical appliances. Meiling adhering to the concept of green, low-carbon,Green energy-saving standard through to household electrical appliances production process, full launch more high quality energy saving products, energy-saving and green home environment make a real contribution. Worldwide home appliances (micro-blogging) network to interview today meiling National Chief energy expert Wei Bangfu, ask him to give us some information about meiling refrigerator energy saving at all. For many years, meiling keep energy savingTechnology advantage, constantly refresh itself maintained records of energy saving. From the "flower four-year tariffs, with ten-year fridge" King of energy saving refrigerator, to "three days at one point was not" terminator I refrigerator and daily consumption of only 0.29-Terminator II refrigerator from daily consumption of 0.27 of terminator III generation of refrigerators to the daily consumption of 0.25 degrees BCD-186DHA and power consumptionOnly 0.23 degrees BCD-186XHA top energy saving refrigerator, meiling has continued to challenge the limit, breakthroughs, time and time again the industry energy-saving technology has been the ultimate "dip", triggering a round of another round of energy-efficient home appliance consumption of hot, meiling National Chief energy expert Wei Bangfu said. Such as meiling BCD-249CF this two door refrigerator, itSelection of large refrigerated room design, volume reached 101L, can deal with user mass-freeze demands, both in terms of appearance, structure, technology, power consumption is perfect. In particular in relation to power, reporter for 24 hours power consumption and noise tests, results showed meiling BCD-249CF energy-saving and quiet was doing a very fullMeaning. Many consumers purchase also said that they not only enjoy the benefits of low power, enjoy sensory enjoyment. Meiling National Chief energy expert Wei Bangfu meiling is not only building the capacity for green home appliances product development platform, also from electricity consumption, environmentally friendly materials, hazard analysis gw2 power leveling, product structures, systems of innovation and other all-round, multi-angle comprehensive upgrading meiling green design technologyTo create truly meet the consumption demand of energy saving and environmental protection products.

台長: gw2goldfxdgf
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