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2003-04-08 01:28:35| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What about guitars?

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"I really feel
I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know
Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me 'cause it hurts..."

~No Doubt's "Don't Speak"

* * *

Hard to describe my feelings when listening to this song. I have this on loud repeatedly these days. Kinda noisy!

It was the melody, not the lyrics as you might have guessed, coz I first started to play this on my guitar. Oh yea, my electric. You can't imagine me jamming on the electric with an amplifier can you? But then, I don't agree with all her lyrics. Not with the title anyway.

I was so keen to learn Tarrega's "Capricho Arabe". It is almost every guitarist's dream to play this song. It's almost the most difficult piece in the world too. I love playing Capricho Arabe in front of Letty. It's the indulgence into a 'trance' when I play, just like with piano, and I'd love to share it with those I love. I suppose I'm just like any other girl: so easily meltable :} Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to heaven" melts anyone's heart too. It all started when I didn't even know how to hold the guitar properly! On the Internet i found the tabs for these music. That's how I used to learn in front of the computer screen...

As you might have gathered, I was quite mad about it. I mean my guitar. I made a lot of effort to start off with this new instrument! i was trying to turn it into a second 'piano' for me. Thinking about it, now, it must be hiding in my parents' closet. Sitting pretty still maybe? I suppose it's ought to be time for it to have some fresh air... Easy to say, difficult to do. "I just can't be bothered." Only few words, quite harsh though... don't you think? How much effort would I be willing to make if it was not a guitar afterall? I'm sure you know.

M, I'm just one guitar to you... don't you think?

It's completely alright. At least I know, to me, what are the difference between guitars and pianos... :}



台長: 靜花香
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