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2005-06-25 09:58:27| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Please read this in a spare moment. This is recklessly ridiculous! I have been receiving nigerian scams ever since I started my hotmail account in the year 1996. Although it's been interesting to read them from the beginning, their invariability made them less and less fascinating, but by far this is the best.

This reminds me, a few weeks ago I received a similar email from one of my best friends from Sherborne who's an African girl, concerning her father's own land in which they need to sell in order to have some real cash.

I've been troubled by it coz she's always been a trusting friend of mine, and I just cannot work out the creditability of her email. Didn't know how to write back either. But honestly, how could I find someone with so much money who can afford to send it all to Africa for a land they have no immediate need. Well, deep in the dark I still pray for my friend Z and I hope everything is fine, for since I have known her I knew there's been some financial difficulty. Though I cannot be of any help, I pray for her often...

台長: 靜花香
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