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2005-02-07 23:14:56| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Reminds me of the Xmas in Jersey, listening to John Rutter

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Sudden blue today.

Yes, it's something I miss.

Suddenly I am reminded of the passage of the book I just started reading called A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. Last week with my partner TB being away I had to fulfil the role of 2 housemen and it really drained my internal batteries out, not only physically but indeed emotionally inside. After a week's hard work I was on call again last night, tired from taking in patients all day long and just needed to turn off the lights in the ward's spare room and just fell asleep on the hard and cold sofa. This book suddenly popped up from my sight and I wanted to know about this secret...

* * *
The first chapter was about my favourite passage from the Bible, Corinthians 13. It went on explaining what it means by saying 'Love is patient', a short statement but with a deep meaning. It kind of reflected on how I have been treating love in my past. I guess I am still hurt by what had happened, those really dreadful and horrible memories that my instinct self would not dig up at the thought of even a corner of it. Strange how trauma makes you build up a defense against your memories. True, this fake healing made me suffer much, much.

* * *
I'm on to reading what it's meant by 'Love is kind'... wait for me to explain...


(Thanks for getting me the Mrs. Field's Chocolate brownie tonight. You know I love them, they have cheered me up much!)

(Photo: Laura and I by the Osaka street lights)

台長: 靜花香
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