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2005-02-03 18:48:23| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Out of solitude

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Only just recently found out the Chinese word for this word, 'Solitude', one of the words was coincident with my Chinese name, Ling. As I remembered I used this word for a piano piece I made up, ages ago, in that big piano room at School with some brick-coloured wallpaper, while I played on that beloved Steinway, lots of other things began to flood into my head... ...

I remembered I was somebody with a lot of stories, many things to tell. Many funny moments, many smiles. Perhaps it was me who told many others how fun this world was. But then they were stories revolved around a small garden.

* * *
Totally out of the blue I had a few calls from long lost friends, some lost through a few oceans, some I thought had sublimed through the thin smoke, who called to see if I'd be free to meet up, to get to know each other again. Sometimes, hiding in the hospital behind the nursing station doesn't do any good at all, it makes you forget about your past, the people whom you cared the most and those who cared about you. But real friends do come back and find you, wherever you are. That's what I call the overwhelmingness of 'friendship'.

* * *
I haven't finished what I said yet, but sometimes, you just can't sit there and wait for the fate to come right? I just got a call for dinner :) Wish me luck in my on-call night tonight.

台長: 靜花香
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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