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2005-01-15 00:04:26| 人氣36| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Bye bye, 螢火蟲

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A relative of mine died in a horrible car crash yesterday.

RIP, auntie.

* * *
Wish somebody would hold me tight and tell me it's all right. But I guess I'm not the one who needs this the most. So I'll drop that plea.

* * *
In this wavy sea of life, it is already a blessing that we are floating and breathing by. Don't know why I always used to have this nightmare of me in the middle of doomsday, I'd always look around for somebody, never catching a glimpse of him... Sorry I sound so blue today, but for someone, today is gloomy and dark without a bright light at the end of the tunnel. May God's blessings be with both of them.

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Leaving Queen Mary this evening, walking with my suitcase through the dark wet vale (carpark), my heart was heavy as I remembered the little post-liver transplant boy with his mouth full of crusting ulcers. He was really one of the cutest boy that I have never seen, hope he could go home soon. I just wish I could get to talk to him more. Well, sometimes you wish you could do something more but you can't? Why does situations like this always remind me of the poem I wrote a long time ago about the waterfall? Ahh...

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You know one thing I enjoy about Paediatrics the most? It's the family love that I saw all around me. (Thank God so far I haven't handled a case of child abuse at all.) It's such a comforting scene. Maybe I can't handle children so well at the moment but I'll definite make my best to be a good and friendly mother when the time comes! :)

* * *
Gonna set off for Osaka at 7am tomorrow. It's gonna be a long long journey. Hope it'll be a safe and happy one. Saturday night in the world's 2nd largest ferris wheel and have Okonomiyake for dinner. Sunday to Tuesday in Kyoto. Haven't sorted out Kobe/Nara yet. Hiroshima in my dreams. Wakayama if God permits. I'll write again soon, hang in there. (yes, I mean you in cardiothoracic surgery!)


台長: 靜花香
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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