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2003-10-06 22:56:10| 人氣208| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dummy's cookbook

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這本可說得上是紐西蘭主婦必備的廚房聖經 婚前老公就送一本給向來<十指不沾洋蔥水>的未來老婆我 婆婆Dinny手上那一本看來想必也是歷史優久 我住紐西蘭的半年間雖然陸續買了一些食譜 不過後來隨我們一家三口跨海而來的就只賸下它了

書上都是一些常見的西式家常菜及甜點recipe 另外還詳細介紹各種食材的處理及貯存的方法 不但實用也很方便翻閱

今天介紹一道我常作的小點心 作法與口感很類似pancake 不過習慣上pikelets都做成如小銅鑼燒的大小 很適合小朋友放學後一口接一口當飯前點心吃 姑且就稱它<一口鬆餅>吧


Makes: 8-10

1 cup plain flour
1 egg
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup milk, approximately
1 t/p baking powder
1/4 t/p salt

1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
2. In another bowl, beat egg and sugar until thick.
3. Add with milk to the sifted ingredients. Mix until just combined. (let mixture stand for 5-10minutes, preferably)
4. Drop tablespoonful of the mixture from the point of spoon onto a hot, lightly greased non-stick frying pan.
5. Turn pikelets over when bubbles start to burst on top surface. Cook both sides until golden.


如同鬆餅吃法 各位可隨喜好在熱騰騰的pikelets上塗抹果醬或淋上maple syrup 我家習慣則是配上1 dollop of butter or margarines 鹹鹹甜甜的 再沏上一壺熱茶 就是一道美味的下午茶點囉

台長: Jamie
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