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本校林岑陵(Tsen-Ling Lin; Leo)老師,以其交換博士學生身份,前來北德作為期一年之學術研究。本學期, 林老師並以精湛之作曲手法贏得本學年度北德音樂大賽。技藝超群,擊潰作曲系群雄,實乃台灣之光。其作品"I Come From Far Away"將於本月十一日( 3/11/09 )晚間假本校Winspear Performance Hall(五角型表演廳) 進行世界首演,由同為來自台灣之指揮博士生郭耿維(Keng-Wei Kuo; William; 威教授)指揮北德交響樂團演出。 

 March 5, 2009 Printable version Concerto Competition winners perform March 11 What: University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra concert features the eight student winners of the annual UNT Concerto Competition -- including six instrumental soloists, a vocalist and a composer. When: 8 p.m. March 11 (Wednesday) Where: Winspear Performance Hall, UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center, located along the north side of Interstate 35E at North Texas Boulevard Cost: $10 for adults; $8 for seniors, UNT faculty and staff, non-UNT students, children and groups of 10 or more; free to UNT students with ID. Contact: (940) 369-7802 or www.thempac.com DENTON (UNT), 

Texas -- Eight of the University of North Texas College of Music's finest students who won UNT's annual Concerto Competition will be featured with the UNT Symphony Orchestra in March. The concert takes place at 8 p.m. March 11 (Wednesday) in Winspear Performance Hall in the UNT Murchison Performing Arts Center, located along the north side of Interstate 35E at North Texas Boulevard. Tickets are $10 for adults; $8 for seniors, UNT faculty and staff, non-UNT students, children and groups of 10 or more; and free to UNT students with ID. Call (940) 369-7802 or visit www.thempac.com. 

The winning students -- six instrumentalists, a singer and a composer -- competed in February against 35 finalists for a coveted spot on the UNT Symphony Orchestra program. The pieces will be conducted by Hoon Choi, Aaron Albin, Keng-Wei Kuo and Mee-ah Lo, all of whom are doctoral students in orchestral conducting and students of David Itkin, director of orchestral studies at UNT. 

The winners are: 

Szemoke Jobbagy, a native of Budapest, on violin performing Chausson's Poeme; 

Rachel Yoder, originally from Elkhart, Ind., on clarinet performing Scott McAllister's X Concerto;

Mai Kokubo, from Shizuoka, Japan, on euphonium performing Joseph Horovitz's Euphonium Concerto (II and III); 

Jinhee Jung, a native of Korea, on flute performing Frank Martin's Ballade; 

"Tsen-Ling Lin, a native of Taiwan and an exchange student from National Taiwan Normal University, with his composition I Come From Far Away, which brings together eastern and western modes of musical

 Sara Doan, a Fort Worth native, on piano with Ravel's Concerto in D Major for the Left Hand;

 Casey Finnigan, a tenor from Austin, performing Lensky's Aria from Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky; 

Rod Kosterman, a native of Paris, Texas, on marimba performing Jorge Sarmientos' Concertino (III);

Man Wei Che, a Hong Kong native, on double bass performing Bottesini's Bass Concerto No. 2 (II). 



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