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2004-05-08 03:11:00| 人氣134| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Koenigsegg CCR

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The new model CCR is the top version of Koenigsegg. It has all the features of the CC8S model but a refined design of the side air intakes, different headlight arrangement, a revised rear design, larger brakes, a more powerful engine and small performance enhancing modifications as well as new front splitters for optimized downforce.

The extremely favourable power figures are made possible thanks to use of a specially developed Swedish Lysholm twin-screw compressor and a new exhaust system made of titanium.

This takes the engine抯 power output to the extreme peak value of 806 hp at 6.900 rpm. The torque curve also shows high values over a broad revolution band with a peak value of 920 Nm (678 ftlb) at 5.700 rpm.

The CCR is decorated with a ghost symbol. This is to honour the Swedish Fighter Jet Squadron No. 1 which had their fighter jets in the same facility as Koenigsegg now occupies. The ghost was the squadron抯 symbol.

台長: gapjc
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