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幫幫手~寫一篇介紹哈利波特這本書ga文 (急要)


幫幫手~寫一篇介紹哈利波特這本書ga文 (急要)


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< async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"> ==================== Title of the book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1) Author: J. K. Rowling Illustrator: Thomas Taylor No. of pages: 309 pages Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books (November 1, 2003) ==================== ==================== ======== Setting (time): Present day Setting (place): Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, United Kingdom Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger ==================== ==================== ======== What happened: Harry Potter has lived a miserable life since his parents' death. Left to survive with his horrible aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, and their spoiled son Dudley, Harry has been forced to live in a spider-ridden closet under the stairs. But as his eleventh birthday approaches, all this is about to change. A mysterious letter arrives by owl messanger, inviting him to attend Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is astonished to learn the truth about his parents — that they were wizards of the highest renown — and that he is destined to become one too. At Hogwarts, Harry finds friends and becomes an expert in Quidditch, an aerial sport played on broomsticks. But soon he becomes involved in a life-threatening struggle against the forces of darkness, and finds himself fighting for survival against those who would rather see him dead before he can come into his full powers. ==================== ==================== ======== 3 Favourite characters: 1. Harry Potter The stories concern events at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where his best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. His most intriguing physical characteristic is a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead, which he gained when the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort attempted to murder baby Harry with the killing curse. Harry is famous throughout the wizarding world for being the only known person to have survived Avada Kedavra and in so doing caused Lord Voldemort's downfall. 2. Ron Weasley Ron is a foil character to Harry. He is one of seven children and is seemingly average in his wizarding abilities, although being overshadowed by his many talented older brothers may have affected his self-confidence. He usually receives little notice, while Harry's fame almost always puts him at the centre of attention. This sometimes creates a rift between the two friends. The Weasleys' modest financial circumstances shines a light on Harry's fortune, while Harry's lack of family is underscored by Ron's large clan. 3. Hermione Granger She shows considerable academic prowess when compared to her close friends and classmates, but lacks emotional maturity. She consistently responds negatively to Ron baiting her, generally cannot stand either being made a fool of or allowing her friends to be so ridiculed, and has a tendency to flounce off to bed if she is thwarted. ==================== ==================== ========


我唔知你要中文定英文??? 唔知大家知唔知道<哈利波特>系列係咩嚟呢?它係出自羅琳小姐手筆既一套書。而呢一套書係我最喜歡既,今天就等我介紹俾你哋聽啦! 呢套書曾經係幾年前風靡一時,當時有好多人都紛紛去搶購,為既都是去看看點解D外國人咁極力去推薦呢套書。 呢套書既內容非常精彩、刺激,故事係話主角哈利係一個孤兒。係十幾年前既一個晚上,一個擁有強大黑暗勢力的人──佛地魔,將哈利既父母殺死。原因就係因為一個未必正確既預言,而令哈利失去父母。而呢個預言就係由哈利係學校最憎既老師──石內卜教授講出黎既。 之後,哈利係學校果幾年,每年都會發生一D同佛地魔有關既事,仲差唔多每次都攞佢命,好彩哈利都可以逃過大難。 直至而家既第六集為止,哈利可以依賴同埋最親既人都已經死哂啦,其中包括佢既父母、教父天狼星同埋校長鄧不利多,而當中發生過既怪事更加係數之不盡,唔知下一集又會點樣呢? 羅琳小姐將故事寫得栩栩如生,佢可以將自己所諗既野用一字一句咁寫出黎,而且仲可以比人有一個清晰既圖畫係腦入面想像,仲用一D形容詞將人物既性格,刻畫得無微不至;佢又用自己豐富既想像力,諗左好多咒語同埋魔法情節出黎,要做到呢幾點真係好唔容易,我真係好佩服佢。|||||english? good morming everybody,today i will talk about this book harry potter.it talk about harry and his friend story......................................................8FFC68D9745AD588

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