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2004-05-30 02:44:56| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

wei wei me ar hello!

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Wei wei! I miss all of u very much ar. But now i always work overtime and need time to pick up and study my company operation. Now my work really very BIN TAI ga. I mean workload and salary. I know many new friends ar and all of them treat me very nice. I think this's my big harvest in this company and they teach me many things and they told me that no need to afraid them even my grade is under them. They always said thank you even my head told me do something. I think this's worthwhile to learn.

Hope forward next gathering!

Wei Fung I told something to u later by phone about my recently secret in my company.


台長: 五個有趣的人


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