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2006-05-18 15:13:18| 人氣31| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Puzzle (Jolie)

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I would to share a puzzle with you. It's also a joke that I learn from my classmate.

(guess an situation for each puzzle)

Q1: One deer without eye.

Q2: One deer no eye and no legs.

Q3: One deer no eye, no legs, and no dick.

come on! Try your best to guess!

Don't peek answers

Don't give up....

Alright, the answers are...

A1: Have no idea.(= no eye deer)

A2: Still have no idea. (no legs so can't move = still)

A3: Still have no f**king idea. (Ha~~you got it.)

台長: Friend4ever
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: Jolie的小日記 |
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我承認 我偷看答案了,真的很有意思... by Wei
2006-05-18 16:06:09
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