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2010-03-02 02:03:54| 人氣88| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

jumping in the pool with clothes on ;)

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started off busy/stressed

apush quiz, did ok. 
english poetry test. 1st part easy, 2nd part horrible fail. didnt finish TAT
SWIMMING!!! LOL we jumped in with our clothes on and swam like 10000 laps around the flags XD and then front float, back float and switch. and then we made life jackets with our pants and shirts :D:D:D:D pufffy :)

so fun XDDD but its really hard to swim with clothes on... heavvy. 

math was ok. i like statistics :) nice and easy and short topic.

planning on redoing the math test, extra help session tomorrow loll

oh and team photos <3, love my team lol

hahhaha red bull. kinda an inside team joke. cause melissa bought this whole box of red bull so we could all get high before we bat, and then medha was like: we should change our cheer from "eagles" to "red! bull, bull, bull, BULL! "  LOL i didnt drink any and still got high xD

hahah the uber fail picture where everyone wasnt ready

jokes aside, lets get serious. dahha medha look at the camera

yay! :) lol you can still kinda see the red bull behind medha's feet ;)


台長: frances
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looking good :D
2010-03-05 22:29:55
haha thanks :)
2010-03-08 17:14:34
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