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2010-02-02 18:16:46| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

complete utter epic FAIL

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so before i discuss about my failure

i will discuss the rest of my day

PE was fun :D:D lol i love pe. wendy,christy, josh, raymond and me make a great team :) lol we played indoor soccer btw, and after class i felt really accomplished cause i blocked so many goals with my body XD new bruises

math quiz was actually easy . i was like (!) whoa i GET LOGARITHMS! HOORAY!!! LOL but seriously, this is the first time ive made it through a test or quiz without any questions that i was confused about, stuck on, or halfway through.

siggghghhh here comes the fail part.

apush multiple choice test



lets just say that i got my essay test back from last week.

i got an A-. that is really really good for me in apush.

and lets just say that the multiple choice test was so bad that i dont think even if i got an A on the essay test that it would make up for the multiple choice test.

you must be thinking: it must have not been that bad. you're totally overacting. im sure you got a lot better than what you think you got.

well, then. my "a lot better than what i think i have" is a D, thank you very much.

and yes it is that bad. 100 questions. i must have guessed about 60. i ONLY knew the ones about reconstruction

you must be thinking now: wow what were you doing over the weekend? why didnt you study?

cause im stupid and i studied the wrong things. turns out cook took hamblin's test and in order to actually get the questions, you HAVE to read the textbook. its like teeny minute details..

i dont wanna talk about it anymore

my apush grade is even more screwed over than my english grade right now.


btw, a big thank you to maria who had to put up with my spazzing at lunch time!!:)

english next
talked about transcendentalism and ralph waldo emerson. reminded me even more of apush, made me super depressed.

softball tryouts after school.
just gotta say: there are SO MANY freshmen trying out ! i was like OMG lol theres even more freshmen than the old members + 3 new juniors combined.

sigghhh and we had to play in the gym today cause it was raining outside :( oh wells. 

tryout game saturday afternoon! hope all those batting practices in taiwan paid off. 

well, now im actually feeling strangely relaxed after my test day. dont have a lot of hw :) can finally catch up on anime and play some computer games. 

oh yeah. 


i have to annotate grapes of wrath first lol

good luck~ to all of you!!


台長: frances
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