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YAG Laser Marker

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YAG Laser Marker
Equipment performance
Our YAG laser polarizing marking machine, the latest laser technology, adopts the high-quality polarizer scanning system which is very speedy (>7000mm/sec), and high precision (<0.01mm). It features of non-touched process, permanent effect, and user-friendly operation. The proprietary control software is compatible with AutoCAD, CorelDraw, Photoshop, etc., for editing and programming of alphanumeric texts, characters, logos, graphics, images, bar codes, 2D codes, and serial number auto increment. It supports various file formats like PLT, PCX, DXP, BMP, JPG, and so on. It may also use TIF fonts directly. It meets the demand of online and offline mass production.
The machine is widely applied to solar industry, aircraft industry, medical industry, the communication, electronics and electrical components, the spare parts of automobiles and motorcycles, measuring and cutting tools, hard materials, mechanical metal parts, handicrafts and so on. It is suitable to mark on all kinds of metal and partial non-metallic materials.
The main technical parameters

B1, No.119, Lane 423, Wanda Road, Taipei City 108, Taiwan



台長: 第一光電科技(股)公司


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