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2002-02-03 01:30:22| 人氣62| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Take me away from here

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My body burns, like there’s a desert deep in me
A thirsty soul, so unsatisfied
But there you are, like a river to the sea
The one chance my life…darin’

Take me away from here
Make it seem like we’re a million miles away
Another time, another place
Make me a different man
Move me farther than
I’ve ever been before
Show mw that there’s something more

Sometime I feel, like I’m trapped inside myself
Spinnin’ wheels, up and down, round and round
Going nowhere, just like everybody else
With no touch, no sight, no sound…
But you could

Give me hopes and dreams to fill my head
Push my heart, so I can fly again

Take me away from here
Take me away from here
Take me away from here
Take me away from here

台長: 小狐狸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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