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Sorbitol Manufacturers

Sorbitol is hygroscopic, so the food by adding sorbitol to prevent the dry food, to keep the food fresh and soft. Sorbitol used in bread, cake, obviously. Sorbitol sweeter than sucrose, and not used by some bacteria, the production of confectionery sweetness in a good raw material, Sorbitol is also an important raw material production of sugar-free candy, processed foods of various anti-dental caries. Sorbitol does not contain aldehyde, easily oxidized, and amino acids in the heating does not produce Maillard reaction. Sorbitol has some physical activity, Sorbitol and carotenoids can prevent eating fat and protein denaturation, Sorbitol in the condensed milk to add sorbitol to extend shelf life, can improve the small intestine of the color, flavor, Sorbitol significant for the stability of the fish meat and the role of long-term preservation. Sorbitol in jam preserves also have the same effect. Sorbitol metabolism is not caused by elevated blood sugar, diabetes can serve as a food sweetener and nutrients.


台長: foodingchina


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