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About Folic Acid

 Folic Acid, one of vitamin B complex, the equivalent of folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid, PGA), Mitchell (H. K. Mitchell, 1941) extracted and purified from spinach leaves, and therefore named of Folic Acid. Can promote maturation of immature bone marrow function, such as lack of Folic Acid can cause human giant cell anemia and leukopenia, Folic Acid especially important for pregnant women.

Folic Acid become the vitamin C, vitamin E on the international market after the rise of a new health vitamin product, Folic Acid broad market prospect. Iron Folic Acid is one of the products. Is a human growth and development of the "building blocks", the normal body iron content of about 45 grams. Iron constitutes hemoglobin, myoglobin components involved in the body of oxygen transport. Promote antibody production, improve immunity. Enhance the bodys metabolism. Promote the growth and reproductive capacity. Promote the decomposition of drug in the liver and enhance detoxification.
Folic Acid is a B vitamin. Slightly soluble in water, heat, light, acidic solutions are unstable in neutral and alkaline solution heat-stable, cooked in the loss of up to 50 to 90%.
1,Folic Acid is a coenzyme required for nucleic acid synthesis, Folic Acid lack of influence nucleic acid synthesis, affecting the normal cell division and replication.
2,Folic Acid can help regulate embryonic neural cell development, prevent newborn babies with congenital neural tube defects in disease.
3,Folic Acid to manufacture red blood cells essential substances (and B12), folic acid treatment to prevent anemia.
4,Folic Acid can protect the mucosa, cell division, decline and regeneration is very active part.
5,anti-cancer and niacin one can prevent free radical damage to the chromosomes.

台長: foodingchina


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