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2004-03-10 15:06:00| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thanks to the cold

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Thanks to the cold, I can leave workplace much more ealier:P
Thanks to the cold, I have no mood to go anywhere, except staying at home.
Thanks to the cold, I stay right in front of my laptop and talking with my dear friends, no matter from Canada, the U.S. or Taiwan, even Brazil:P
Thanks to the cold, I understand how important health is.
Thanks to the cold, I hope I lose some weight.......:P
Thanks to the cold, I have not fucking started my paper due to next Monday.
Thanks to the cold, I started to worry about my coming Chicago trip....
Thanks to the cold, I have a read nose now....
Thanks to the cold, I must look damn ugly in front of the cute Japanese guy whom Miho and Hiro want to introduce me in Chicago.

凸-.-凸, Thanks, Cold!

台長: 海蒂
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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