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2004-10-07 02:09:07| 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

bach to school

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just doing my great VISUAL.SKILLS homework....and wanna kill myself with the ruler! what a damn crazy task!tiny and tiny pieces, thin lines, thick glasses, vague graph paper...i would like to vomit! plz give me a hand and do me a favour!

back to PLKCC today with 2R, finding ms.chan and giving her what i have promised, the notes. the pile of stuff(v.heavy!) took me a lot of time during the exam period. re-prioritizing all that stuff and giving them a better order, i really have heart on this subject, haha!other than laying them at the old home, it'd be better to give to a higher MUV user!(suddenly i found myself missing econ~) after that, lunch with mr.lau and mr.cheung(i should address him as dr.cheung later, rite?) at TW!!!!! miss it!! and then, my dear wanna buy a new mobile, rich girl and poor girl, i can write a book on this topic! (she even told me she bought a drawing board for fun! what a professional expensive stuff for fun, huh!)
the existence of difference between the 2 girls didn't make a distance between hearts. they got memories in mind. i can tell, just from the short walk today at town centre.

ok, that's enough for relaxing. i need to go back to my poor stuff!

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