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2002-05-27 17:35:25| 人氣50| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【書信】From Andrew

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這封是 Andrew 今晚的來信, 剛好與我離開雙子城前寫的東西有點類似, 所以一併放上來記錄。 信是很長, 讀了心裡也是百感交集。他是我兩年多前的學生, 由另外一間爵士音樂院轉學過來唸我們學校, 過來才發現敝校爵士樂部門凋零, 根本處於關店狀況, 於是立志考鋼琴組。 當時所有的 TA 當他燙手山竽, 沒人想接, 我剛開始也是很不情願的收下他。 上課第一天聽完他彈我跟他說, 你有決心要修鋼琴嗎?? 他點點頭, 我說, 我可以陪你吃苦, 但條件是你一定要考上... 從觸鍵開始從頭來過, 一週有時兩三小時的鋼琴課 (本來學校是規定一週半小時的), 光一面譜我可以講一節課, 而他, 常常被我釘到掉眼淚, 但是我可以說, 他比所有主修鋼琴的還認真, 也許, 練琴時數更多。 一年後, 他進了鋼琴組 , 跟另外一位拿茱利亞博士的教授學。有時候碰到他老師, 他還會跟我誇獎 Andrew 幾句, 說他重小細節用頭腦什麼的。如果有一天我要離開了, 我會記得跟 Andrew 說, 他是我的驕傲之一。
P.S 照片拍攝於音樂會後左邊是Andrew

How is your trip going? I hope well. I'm doing fine, I'll start a class on Tuesday. I heard about the plane crash outside of Taiwan- you don't know anyone affected, do you? I would hope not...

Well, I thought I'd finally write to you about your recital. Actually, I started writing a letter last week, and saved it to finish later, but it didn't save! So I'll just start over. Maybe I have told you some of these things already.

That day I was nervous for you, and I didn't know what to expect. But right from the start of your playing, I was very surprised. The way you started the first prelude, I thought maybe you were crazy!! (I wasn't used to hearing it so fast). The way you communicated so strongly to the audience is what really surprised me. There was no holding back at all. Maybe you have done that a lot before, but I had never seen it. The rubato, like you said, was very strong! It was very moving, I thought. And I remember the end of the C major, at the final chord, your arms went up right with the sound, like magic! You looked just like a professional- and it was also genuine! I guess I'm just not used to seeing you say such bold things in public- to so many people!

That was how I felt about all of the Scriabin. Unfortunately, I can't refer to specific preludes, because I don't know them. But each prelude said something special, and the expression was so strong and clear. It helped me realize what you mean about being clear. I could see that you knew exactly what you wanted for every passage, and you never had any trouble creating a mood or environment, and again- there was no holding back. I think everyone was really drawn into your ideas-it changed the whole room. Especially the endings!! There was one, (I think maybe E, Eb or eb minor??) that ended softly and slowly, with a broken chord, and each note was so perfectly placed into the sonority, it was incredible! And I was so impressed by the ones with a quick and abrupt ending!

I think I even felt jealous, because there you were, successfully sharing your genius ideas and your personality with everyone- that is something I have always wished I could do. I think everyone knew for sure that you are a very special, unique person from that, if they didn't know already. And I also realized how much more enjoyment you can get from playing the piano. That is why I was very inspired to play when I got home, and I started to try and see the potential for greater expression in all my pieces.

During your Chopin, I thought about your story, even if I couldn't remember all of it! It really did make the piece so much more special. It made me think, perhaps music is always so much better when there is a story.

Maybe I was most moved by the third movement. I thought about the dance scene you described, and it was so sad, because it felt like everything was at the end, the end of the story. It's similar to how I always get very sad at the end of a school year. All those memories are just done so quickly, forever. Especially those happy, quick sextuplets (perhaps?) that sound like thirds that signal the ending (after the horn call). It was like when I was at one of my teacher's weddings about 4 years ago- right after their service, the two ran outside and into this horse-drawn carriage, and they just waved goodbye to everyone. So they were off to their honeymoon, and that was the last time I ever saw him. Even though it was supposed to be happy, it made me so sad. That was the same feeling I got at the end of the Chopin.

So, I think the main point is that your musical ideas are so pleasing or moving, with a genuine and sophisticated personality, and it seems like you communicate exactly what you want. When I thought about others' playing afterwards, I realize how boring they are in comparison. The reason I love music has always been to experience the most special feelings or visions. I felt like your recital gave more of that than any other one I've seen- and feelings I wouldn't have thought of as well.

I hope this letter is not too long. Anyway, thanks a lot for the CD's again. I think Glenn Gould is perfect for Mozart! I never thought I'd like Mozart really, but I am getting into him now. Anyway, I'll just talk to you later. Hope you're doing well.


台長: 夜間飛行
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