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2005-03-16 22:09:07| 人氣79| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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雲厚掩星輝 霧濃迷路跡
北地風霜冷 多著輕暖衣

相顧兩不捨 眼波猶頻回
盼到冬雪盡 迎得春燕歸


Sorry to say good bye (Send my daughter back to school)

Late in the night,
thick clouds hide the stars’ lights.
As we drive,
dense fogs fade the roads’ sights.

Oh, remind me,
the frozen northern land you’re going.
Oh, remember, please,
wear plenty of warm clothes.

It’s time to go,
though we don’t want to say…good bye.
Keep on turning around,
watch me with your shining eyes.

Don’t be sad,
wait till the winter sonws gone,
I shall welcome
my spring swallow happily home.

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