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2004-06-02 20:22:57| 人氣62| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Green Day - Scattered

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From the 1997 album "Nimrod"

I've got some scattered pictures lying on my bedroom floor.
Reminds me of the times we shared.
Makes me wish that you were here.
Now it seems I've forgotten my purpose in this life.
All the songs have been erased.
Guess I've learned from my mistakes.

Open the past and present.
Now and we are there.
Story to tell and I am listening.
Open the past and present.
And the future too.
It's all I've got and I'm giving it up to you.

Loose ends tied in knots.
Leaving a lump down in my throat.
Gagging on a souvenir.
Lodged to fill another year.
Drag it on and on until my skin is ripped to shreds.
Leaving myself wide open.
Living out a sacrifice.

If you got no one and I've got no place to go, would it be alright?
Could it be alright?

GREEN DAY 的歌詞又簡單又有味道, 可以嘻笑不羈, 可以平淡, 可以無奈, 可以悲傷也可以振奮人心. 這首便是以挺有前進感的歌襯緬懷過去的歌...在哀愁中自有一份希望.

台長: 靜燄
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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