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2008-01-04 07:07:10| 人氣52| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Toronto Trip Day 5

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Dec 23

This morning of course wasn’t so pleasent since last night’s argument

by the way, some basturd phoned me at 4 am last night and turned out to be a wrong call

what the f***! Get a life!!!

anyway, we talked and talked and nothing really help much

and we went to Pacific Mall again since it’s a raining day today

on the way there we dropped off at a wine factory and ordered 30 bottles of wine mixed with black, red, and normal ice wine

we also got a free bottle of regular ice wine for chirstmas dinner~! Yahoooo~!!!

after that we shopped in P mall like crazy

Don found out that her period has come

none of us has pads and she’s wearing a boxer

so we had to switch underpants!!! in order for her to hold the toilet paper


I finally found something that’s for winter and also pretty and confy to wear

it was 35 and we got it for 30

still a bit expensive but I really like it so I don’t regret

I also found this white jacket that’s absolutely pretty!!!

but it’s 160!!! seriously!! we all know that it shouldn’t be that expensive


we spent like 5 to 6 hours in the mall but still not be able to finish shopping at all the stores

so you see, it’s that big!!

we had hot pot and 鹽酥雞 for dinner...yummy

and we went back home because I really want to go for the soana and hot pring at the apartment

Don wants to go with me too

so she tried the templax

and she cried like babies because she said it hurts like hell and don’t understand why would other women want to use it

man she can really whine!!

anyway, I couldn’t go tonight but she promised me to go tomorrow night

p.s I saw this blind old man when we’re getting on a subway

he couldn’t find the door so I guided him to the door and to a seat

I felt sad that no other people tried to help him first

he’s the second blind old man I’ve helped in my life

p.s.s when we had dinner, the power suddenly went off for like 2 minutes

scary man!!

Pic 1 we’re at the bus stop to the wine factory when I see this no standing sign...so am I suppose to sit down and wait for the bus?
werid peopel!!!
在168 <= 一家餐廳的名字 吃鹽酥雞~!

沒有台灣的好吃就是了 sigh~
Don 滿足的笑容

台長: HC
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