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Windows XP KB826939 重大更新整合包 2003/10/15

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Windows XP KB826939重大更新整合包
軟體版本:2003/10/15 軟體性質:免費軟體
語言介面:繁體中文 作業系統:WindowsXP
原創作者:微軟 Microsoft Corporation
檔案大小:9.00 MB
軟體圖片:暫無 更新時間:2003/12/8 上午 02:48:03

微軟Windows XP 的修正程式,這個更新整合包包含了之前為 Windows XP 所發行的重大更新,現在整合在一個檔案中,讓你更方便一次下載安裝更新程式,免的一個一個的下載總有遺漏的可能。 安裝此版本與分別安裝各各更新程式都能提供您相同的更新效用。
支援的作業系統: Windows XP Windows XP Service Pack 1。
810565 Hyperlinks Open in Internet Explorer Instead of in Default Browser or Help and Support Center

821557 MS03-027: An Unchecked Buffer in the Windows Shell Could Permit Your System to Be Compromised

811493 MS03-013: Buffer Overrun in Windows Kernel Message Handling Could Lead to Elevated Privileges

328310 MS02-071: Flaw in Windows WM_TIMER Message Handling Can Enable Privilege Elevation

823980 MS03-026: Buffer Overrun in RPC May Allow Code Execution

331953 MS03-010: Flaw in RPC Endpoint Mapper Could Allow Denial of Service Attacks

323255 MS02-055: Unchecked Buffer in Windows Help Facility May Allow Attacker to Run Code

810577 MS03-005: Unchecked Buffer in Windows Redirector May Permit Privilege Elevation

815021 MS03-007: Unchecked Buffer in Windows Component May Cause Web Server Compromise

329115 MS02-050: Certificate Validation Flaw Might Permit Identity Spoofing

329170 MS02-070: Flaw in SMB Signing May Permit Group Policy to Be Modified

817606 MS03-024: Buffer Overrun in Windows Could Lead to Data Corruption

814033 Cannot Install Driver Updates from the Windows Update Web Site

810833 MS03-001: Unchecked Buffer in the Locator Service Might Permit Code to Run

823559 MS03-023: Buffer Overrun in the HTML Converter Could Allow Code Execution

329048 MS02-054: Unchecked Buffer in File Decompression Functions May Allow Attacker to Run Code

329441 You Cannot Create a Network Connection After You Restore Windows XP

817287 Windows Update 643 Error and the Catalog Database

329390 MS02-072: Unchecked Buffer in Windows Shell Might Permit System Compromise

329834 MS02-063: Unchecked Buffer in PPTP Implementation May Permit Denial-of-Service Attacks

811630 HTML Help Update to Limit Functionality When It Is Invoked with the window.showHelp Method

824146 MS03-039: A Buffer Overrun in RPCSS May Allow Code Execution



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