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30個免費學英文網站 免費下載大家說英語 zeal for中文意思是什麼

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    全民英檢成績單 學英文youtube英文補習班 補習班費用 英檢中高級多益 補習 手機學英語英語單字 臺中英文進修英語會話家教 全民英檢gept英語會話班推薦 1對1英文家教gept中高級 教英文我如何學英文 學以致用 英文



zeal for中文意思是什麼

全民英檢中高級初試 台中英文家教 線上英文發音免費英語學習網 法文家教台北zeal for解釋


  • zeal: n. 熱心,熱誠,熱情;奮發,奮起 (for)。 feel zeal for 為…而奮發。
  • for: FOR f o r = free on rail 【商業】火車上交貨(價格)。1 〈表示目標、去向〉向,往。 leave [sail] f...

  • Even then, the concept of amateurism, for which there were no rules in ancient times, and the zeal for the competitive spirit were often sacrificed for the more selfish materialistic considerations

    即使在那時,業余的概念? ?對此古代沒有規定? ?和對體育精神的追求常常為了自私自利的物質報酬而受到褻瀆。
  • For i bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in laodicea, and them in hierapolis

  • From the never - changing zeal for tradition and nature by liangzi, the simplicity by shi jie, to the modernity by wu xuekai / wu xuewei, a message is conveyed that the designers and brands tend to utilized the platform of china fashion week to present their market endeavor more than just to show up for the sake of show

  • The zeal for youthful passion and strife for excellence has changed its setting : from the grounds of a shanghai sports academy

  • This person loves athletics. i ' ve never met anyone with more zeal for athletics


    zea virus 2, zeagonite, zeak, zeal for modern systematic management, zeal for work, zeal in form of conclusion

    zeal for中文意思是什麼
      toeic 線上學習 美語會話誌雅思補習班 問路的英語對話英文線上家教 多益學習網站學習app 家教老師 幼兒美語家教30個免費學英文網站 免費下載大家說英語英文自傳 成人學英文 英檢單字下載英語會話家教 全民英檢gept推薦英語補習班 英文雜誌學英文舞蹈家教 學英文 全民英檢成績查詢學英文課程 學英文 邊度好 中級英檢文法


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