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英文 聽力 下載 國小英文學習網站 gept全民英檢成績查詢 harbour sorrow and resentment中文意思是什麼

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    線上學英文廣播 英語文教學中心看電影學英文軟體 台中全美語幼稚園英文會話 推薦 西文家教英文單字教學 gept報名英文補習班中壢 英文會話班推薦 高雄英文補習班推薦英語 英語學習法 多益獎金英語網站 英檢初級線上學英文 免費 美語會話誌



harbour sorrow and resentment中文意思是什麼

harbour sorrow and resentment解釋


英檢中級報名 成人英語教學
  • harbour: n 1 海港,港口;港灣。2 〈比喻〉避難所,藏身處。3 【軍事】坦克掩蔽場。vt 1 隱匿,窩藏(罪犯等)。...
  • sorrow: n 1 悲哀,悲痛,傷心;憂傷,哀悼;悲嘆;悔恨,惋惜,遺憾,抱歉。2 可悲的事情,傷心事,不幸;魔鬼...
  • and: n. 1. 附加條件。2. 〈常 pl. 〉附加細節。
  • resentment: n. 憤怒,憤慨;怨恨,憎恨。 harbor [cherish] resentment (against) 對…懷恨。

  • She was filled with determination and resentment.

  • The unpopularity of the musharraf regime, hostility towards america, and resentment at a war in neighbouring afghanistan that many in pakistan see as directed at both islam and their ethnic - pushtun kin, have also helped the islamists

  • He paid two dollars and a half a month rent for the small room he got from his portuguese landlady, maria silva, a virago and a widow, hard working and harsher tempered, rearing her large brood of children somehow, and drowning her sorrow and fatigue at irregular intervals in a gallon of the thin, sour wine that she bought from the corner grocery and saloon for fifteen cents

  • Resigned he passed out with grave words and gait, saying, wellnigh with sorrow : - and going forth he met butterly

  • Some of the city s most notable attractions, such as the star ferry harbour crossing and the historic double - decker street trams, can be ridden for only us 25 cents

    在香港,乘搭天星小輪橫渡著名的維多利亞港,或是乘坐歷史悠久的雙層電車,所費分別為2 . 2或2港元!

    harbour rules and regulations, harbour salutation, harbour shelter, harbour speed, harbour waters, harbour work boat

    harbour sorrow and resentment中文意思是什麼

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