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高中英文家教 兒童美語 英文 daily aberration中文意思是什麼

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daily aberration中文意思是什麼

daily aberration解釋還在學英語嗎 學英文推薦補習班


  • daily: adj. 逐日的,每日的。n. 1. 日報 (= daily (news) paper)。2. 〈英口〉不住宿的僕人;白天做家務的女傭 (= daily girl)。adv. 每日,逐日,天天。
  • aberration: n. 1. 偏差,越軌,錯亂;一時的記錯;【法律】過失。2. 【醫學】乖常,失常;【生物學】畸變,變型。3. 【物理學】像差;【天文學】光行差。

  • The resultant defect is known as chromatic aberration.

  • To update actual costs on a daily basis

  • Fortunately i had had the advantage of being taught french by a french lady ; and as i had always made a point of conversing with madame pierrot as often as i could, and had besides, during the last seven years, learnt a portion of french by heart daily - applying myself to take pains with my accent, and imitating as closely as possible the pronunciation of my teacher, i had acquired a certain degree of readiness and correctness in the language, and was not likely to be much at a loss with mademoiselle adela

  • Daily retraction and cleaning prevents penile adhesions.

  • Be in charge of in classics of doctor of traditional chinese medicine " inside classics " go up to also have discuss : " ( person ) year 40 shade are enraged from half, daily life declines " ; the middleaged person that enters 40 years old or so as postmeridian sun, energy by abundant trend abate, this is natural consenescence of the person, the nature that also is a kidney is anil家教案件 toeic 線上學習e, everybody wants to face and be experienced

    在中醫經典《內經》上也有論述: 「 (人)年四十則陰氣自半,起居衰矣」 ;步入四十歲左右的中年人就如同午後的太陽,精力由充沛走向減弱,這是人的自然衰老,也是腎臟的自然衰老,每個人都要面對和經歷。

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