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2008-09-04 21:47:42| 人氣69| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Last Day in Macau

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I came across with Dr. Keith just before, I thanked him. I told him I will work in the airport so soon. He was so exicted and shook hands with me. He told me he would find me when I am in HK, I hope I will see him very soon too.

Today, my student card was punched into a hole, that means the card was no longer valid. I cannot use it anymore for benefits by showing the card. 你地知我幾咁師奶同婆仔gala!


台長: Erica
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全站分類: 不分類

add oil r...do ur best...!!!
2008-09-04 23:48:27
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