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2006-02-19 22:22:40| 人氣107| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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We always need do something to make our life rich, right?
In the long past, I have gone though many adventures and searching; however, even there are more and more memories and pain been released, I still trap into a confused emotional situration related to my past. Once I tried to change myself into another people such as a man with absolutely happy or someone who has no senstivity, but I failed. Iike the role in "the neverending story", I do also dream and do my best to find out my own life, target,and meaning, and, just like him, finally, I realize that the only way to reach my real dream is though more and more tests to make myself complete, and then I will see what I really desire, including my living style, my friendship, my job , and my love ,of course. Now I am geting to know what happened in myself inside.

By the way, few days ago, I went to somewhere in Taipei city, and took some pictures like this I show you here. It's about a party of adorned huamn body. Very interesting, and it also make me a illusion to come bake to the river side of London. It's amazing that we can see these performance in Taipei; does it mean that we are getting to reach the world pulse? Actually, it is great for me to observe that due to the personal character. I like reading, walking, and thinking quietly. Right there, a corner in a certain city, I can feel the air with peace touching my heart and make my confused mind get a short time to take rest.

Anyway, just a note to record the feeling inside myself, a free description; in fact, I even have no idea about what I want to say.

台長: 靈魂的傷口


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