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2004-01-09 15:23:13| 人氣351| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我 問 John 他 電 話 費 增 加 多 少 ? 我 增 加 三 倍 這 是 John 回 我 的 e-mail. 他 真 的 是 一 個 孝 子, 會 讀 我 給 小 姑 Barb. 的 e-mail 給 他 母 親 聽

In summer time walking to the Pen Centre would be good--then take the bus
back. The bus stops just in front of the apartment building.

I'll try to send you the picture of my nieces in the clothes by the weekend. I just talked to Cassie, but she does not know how to scan them.

Funny, I just got my telephone bill (Win-tel) yesterday:
Calls to Grimsby - 33 minutes = $4.28
Calls to Taichung - 304 minutes = $21.28 (14 cents a minute)
That's not bad. My regular phone bill is about $34 dollars a month
without long distance calls.

My mother came here today (but did not climb the stairs) & we went to
Sears looking at suits. Haven't bought one yet. I read her the letter you
sent to Barb.

Love, John

台長: Linda
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