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2004-01-05 09:07:14| 人氣216| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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不到一個月John 就要來台灣
而我一直覺得John 他也有很大的壓力
所以我寫了一封e-mail (上段是John answer e-mail , 下段是我的e-mail )

My dear Linda,

I'm ready. I think that what we plan to do is good. I've fallen in love
with you and want you to return to Canada with me. I think we will
be happy together. I'm certainly looking forward to getting married.
I'm tired of being alone and there are lots of things we can do

The reason I asked you about your job is that I was wondering
if you regret leaving it. But you've made clear what you want to
do and I think we should do that.

And if you are not working it makes it easier to go places together
this summer on my days off. I think we'll have a lot of fun.

love, John
Dear John,

Besides you worried about me that after I move to Canada ,
I will have no job, no friends, is there any else that you worried with ?as I talked to you in the phone I like as your housekeeper for a while which let me have a chance to take a rest and I need it, after I feel boring at home then I will try to find a job .in fact I am worring something, to speak frankly to you,I feel you are not real ready to get married with me , am I right ? Today you said You were thinking to come to Taiwan get married with me then you back Canada so you want me stay in Taiwan ? I knew at beginning you just simple likes me with you , but things became to get married with me then that will become a heavy responsibility.
To me I real love you and want to live with you, so I can quit the job without regret and since I have some saving I should not become your heavy burden .the question is ARE YOU READY ?


台長: Linda
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