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2003-06-20 12:39:56| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What a Wonderful World

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This one I got from

a web-photo-site
outside of Taiwan.

I like White Family.

They really enjoy and not shy
share any timicy sweetest moment
with husband and friends
maybe relative

Look at lovely nipple
feeding this child..

The very lovely child.
surround by LOVE
Her[his mother,papa,uncle]

Wishing one day, I have that
chance showing my lovely nipples
in the web, All fresh,sweet things
attempt me..

Afterall, life is so short
& plus the miserable times.

70 years old
-[miserable years]
= what we left

Hoping we surround by love
each day !!!

Very Mad & Sweet Elizabeth

台長: 伊莉莎白
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