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2004-01-29 18:32:10| 人氣53| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

天上之音 In Paradisum

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喜歡這一首:In Paradisum

Eden - Sarah Brightman

Release Date: 4/20/1999
Original release year: 1999
Label: EMI Angel
Producer: Frank Peterson; Richard Marx
Guest Artists: Randy Waldman

Personnel includes: Sarah Brightman (vocals); Paul Bateman, Jeremy Lubbock (conductor); Tim May (acoustic guitar); Michael Thompson (electric guitar); Peter Weihe (guitar); Jonathan Mayer (sitar); Skaila Kanga, Gail Levant (harp); John Anderson (oboe); Randy Waldman (piano); Michael Soltau, Frank Peterson (keyboards); Freddie Washington (bass); Gillian McDonagh (percussion); Miriam Stockley, Tessa Niles, Gunther Laudahn, Linda Fields, Veronica Lee, Victoria Miles (background vocals); Hugh Webb, Ruth Holden, Alison Martin; The English National Orchestra, The New College Oxford Choir.
Engineers include: Michael Soltau, John Timperly, Frank Peterson.

With EDEN, Broadway diva Sarah Brightman ("Requiem," "Cats") stretches beyond the constraints of what's considered show music. Here, she sings an assortment of classical adaptations, rock, and sleek modern pop songs.

The entrancing opener, "In Paradisum" combines pre-recorded nature sounds, atmospheric textures, and echoes of Gregorian chant, setting the regal and eclectic mood. "Nella Fantasia" is an adaptation of a tune by movie soundtrack composer Ennio Morricone, with Italian lyrics by Ferrau, and here the exquisite longing in Brightman's voice transcends all language barriers. She transforms Kansas' philosophical hit "Dust in the Wind" into a theatrical ballad that transcends time or setting. The production is lavish, judiciously mixing lustrous, gently throbbing modern pop textures, and conventional orchestration in a way that showcases the songs and the singer without being obtrusive or maudlin.

台長: 伊莉莎白
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