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2004-12-30 13:22:05


這個人把攝影做得很簡潔 很純樸 這樣很好 又很時尚 :)) http://www.vermillionphoto.com

2004-12-30 13:10:08


這個攝影網頁 真的很精美 有種安靜的感覺 雖然是商業拍攝 可是就不會太張牙舞爪的 滿賞心悅目的 看看吧 http://www.tkpinc.com Tony Kubat Photography, Inc. 3108 West Lake St, Minneapolis MN 612.9...

2004-12-28 15:10:24

my peace complete

hen sounds the world's threatening cry, And roaring of their thunder. When you feel the heaving of your life, And see the foaming water. Then from the midst of this swelling sea, A vo...

2004-12-28 14:47:06

美 國 年 度 電 影 前 250 名

Top 250 movies as voted by our users For this top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered. 1. 9.0 The Godfather (1972) 110,865 2. 9.0 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Ki...

2004-12-28 14:32:05


這是夢工廠明年要推出的續集 http://www.thering2-themovie.com/intro.html 是flash做的 網頁滿酷的 今天本來不是要找這個的 我常常做很多夢 夢得失眠 真的很累 所以我找夢 看到他們的網頁 才想到對呀 ...

2004-12-28 13:29:12

日 本 盒 子

日本盒子 宛如空藏般的神秘美味盡頭 柳松菇紙鍋320元(後)/蛤蠣熬製高湯, 風味清爽。鹽烤青甘魚下巴320元(中)/富含油脂, 引人垂涎。綜合生魚片720元(前)/店內備有水族箱, 現撈口感美味無敵。 銀湯匙及晶湯...

2004-12-28 13:26:45

活 色 聲 香 義 大 利 麵

香築咖啡館 C餐 NT:150元 蛋、蔬果沙拉(11月起改成濃湯) a.墨西哥起士咖哩捲(熱) 咖哩捲皮、生菜、起士、燻雞肉 b.墨西哥蔬菜捲(冷) 美生菜、蘋果、小黃瓜、鮪魚 c.潛艇堡(火腿/鮪魚) 美式咖啡、季...

2004-12-24 16:24:02

香 烤 時 尚 魚 片

Serves 2-3 1 lb (450 g) cod fillet, skinned 1 lb 4 oz (570 g) Desirée or King Edward potatoes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 heaped tablespoon finely grated Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggian...

2004-12-24 16:18:36

鮮 魚 金 黃 脆 皮 派

Serves 4 For the pastry: 8 oz (225 g) plain flour 6 oz (175 g) butter a pinch of salt beaten egg, to glaze For the filling: 12 oz (350 g) any white fish, such as ...

2004-12-24 16:15:42

私人轟趴菜色廚師Clare Hunter

recipe by Clare Hunter, a very talented person who used to cook for private dinner parties on an old Thames sailing barge. The pungent, nutty romesco sauce makes a perfect partner to monkfish a...

2004-12-24 16:06:27

Youngest Son of Picasso : Claude

Youngest Son of Picasso : Claude Normally,the youngest child in a family who usually the most lucky one. They have sign in their face or body. different skin color. Different Figure different ...

2004-12-24 15:53:59

Picasso''s Studio

It's Picasso Art Studio Picasso is really luck artist. He can paint what ever he likes. all dark black will be ok by people. To be a unforgetable person is very very Important.

2004-12-24 15:53:11

富貴雙全Jacqueline Vavvenargues

Who is she ? Her name is:Jacqueline Vavvenargues the last wife of Picasso when he 80 years old. How nice ? She is so brave and lucky. When Picasso 80 years old. The smoothly stage of his life. ...

2004-12-23 14:04:09

喜愛的黑人男歌手[一] Marvin Gaye

我很喜歡他的音樂 他的歌聲 充滿詩人哲學家藝術家的濃濃鄉愁 他的嗓子真的很好 很絲綢 很棒 他的音樂充滿自由的感覺 應該說黑人的音樂 自由感是他們一貫的中心思想 是呀 自由是一件好棒好棒的事 發呆也是ㄚ...

2004-12-18 13:09:15
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