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英語會話班推薦 初學英語 lady of a certain age中文意思是什麼

    台北補習 遊學學英文 姚明 英文線上英文老師 免費英語學習 台北安親班自學英語教材 英文up學兒童英文 英檢中級英語會話班推薦 初學英語英語會話家教 全民英檢gept我的外籍老師 多益家教每日學英文 有效學英文



lady of a certain age中文意思是什麼

lady of a certain age解釋


  • lady: n 1 貴婦;淑女。2 〈L 〉夫人,小姐〈英國擁有某些爵位的貴族妻女的尊稱〉。3 〈常 pl 〉女士(們)〈...
  • of: OF =Old French 古法語。
  • a: an 用在以母音音素開始的詞前〉 indefinite art 1 〈普通可數名詞第一次提到時,冠以不定冠詞主要表示類...
  • certain: adj 1 (數量、日期等)已確定的;(證據等)確鑿的,無疑的;(知識、技術等)正確的,可靠的。2 必然...
  • age: n 1 年齡。2 成年〈滿廿一歲〉。3 老年,晚年。4 壽命;終生,一生。5 時代,時期,年代。6 〈口語〉很...

  • When they reach a certain age, army officers retire from active service

  • The ravages of conquest and the advent of a barbaric age placed all earning in real jeopardy.

  • The compulsory education, which originated in european in the 16th century and matured in the 20th century, is a kind of common school education that provided by a country for the children in a certain age for a certain time and scope

  • If mandatory inspection is confined to buildings of a certain age and above, the lead - up period may provide a big window for building disrepair and premature ageing to set in

  • Oneself the age is 13 years old, inhabitting the cabin of a certain corner in kaohsiung city


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    lady of a certain age中文意如何學英文單字 英文基礎會話 免費英文教學思是什麼
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