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2003-10-12 15:57:42| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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familiar voice echoes through my head
calming my mind every word you said
let the world spin outside my window
i don't care

familiar days dry up my soul
and the weather's unpredictable
but you can make me warm so unexplianable

though i have the moonlight guiding me through
this long and winding road
ending or beginning it never shows

something so far but they seem so close
someone you love but you atill don't know
could we ever meet
should we ever meet
好好听...... 好陶醉添.......
blue.. despondent.......meancholy
too mani liars.. 是是非非 不能辨識
can i just be a non-sense baby....

台長:    蝴蝶牛油!
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