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2008-03-17 17:15:47| 人氣158| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

316 逆。轉。勝!

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新聞主播有剛好在播報著316大逆轉... 我才想起昨天是擊掌逆轉勝的遊行。在銀幕上看到好多人都在替台灣加油,真的很感動,將來我老了,我就可以跟我的孫子說,你看台灣是一個很不容易的國家,我們必須感到驕傲我們是台灣人。好多好多事情真的要看清,或許那些往大陸偏的人們只是為了工作上的市場是可觀的但他們並沒有想到自己到底是誰?為了工作也不知道自己是誰---> 媽媽說的。


What i feel of this issue is, Taiwanese are poor but strong. W
e don’t because of one thing then just give up.
We never give up things and we are happy and always look forward to our life.
Each time my friend said, I LOVE TAIWANESE!
Because we always zeal to people, we always be kind to other people.
I ask my friend’s feeling about China, they thinks China is not a really good coutry. They can feel Chinese people are not poliet and sometimes just piss of everyone. They don’t even want to joing with Aussie, this is the truth from my school and life!

However in the future, Taiwan will let everyone knows and let everyone knows Taiwan is a COUNTRY!

台長: 愛子。 Aiko
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