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2006-03-18 12:52:39| 人氣58| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Prayer for My Friend,Sara

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Give me a friend,Sara,who will be ability to look at the things with different angles and be optimistc to identify them;one who will be clear to her own dream and takes hard work to carry out.
Gve me a friend who will be respectful of her parents but be impolite to them.One who will always cherishes of what she gets but cares about what she losts.
Give me a friend that no matter what she is a president or a ordinary people,she won’t be full of herself or has a green eye on other people.
I want she has a thankful heart to appreciate everything or everyone,a pleasant one to share happiness,a just one to against bad happenings and a humble one to take any compliments.Finally,put her all sincerity to the world and affect more and more people.
Therefore,I would dare to say,"I do really have honor of meeting you."

台長: 戀紫之翼~


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