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2006-11-08 21:26:24| 人氣255| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tell her by Jesse McCartney(潔西麥卡尼)

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I know how it feels
To wake up without her
Lying here all alone
Just thinking about her

I can’t believe
Her hold on me
It’s somethin indiscribable
I know she knows
But won’t you please

If you see my girl
Just tell her i miss her smile
Tell her I’m counting the minutes
Gonna see her in a little while
But I know when she
Holds onto me
She’s the one thing that i could never live without
Oh oh oh
Tell her I love her

Oh yeah

The way that she moves
You know what it does to me
When I catch her eye
I can hardly breathe

Still can’t believe
Her hold on me
She’s just so indiscribable
I know she knows
But won’t you please

If you see my girl
Just tell her i miss her smile
Tell her I’m counting the minutes
Gonna see her in a little while
But I know when she
Holds onto me
She’s the one thing that i could never live without
Oh oh oh
Tell her I love her

Every time that I’m around her
I just fall to pieces right there softly to the ground
So proud I found her

I know how it feels

If you see my girl
Just tell her i miss her smile
Tell her I’m counting the minutes
Gonna see her in a little while
But I know when she
Holds onto me
She’s the one thing that i could never live without
Oh oh oh
Just tell her I love her

If you see my girl
Just tell her i miss her smile
Tell her I’m counting the minutes
Gonna see her in a little while
But I know when she
Holds onto me
She’s the one thing that i could never live without
Oh oh oh

And tell her I love her
Tell her I love her

台長: 阿嗚
人氣(255) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 興趣嗜好(收藏、園藝、棋奕、汽機車) | 個人分類: Song YY |
此分類下一篇:小情歌  by蘇打綠
此分類上一篇:梁山伯與茱麗葉 by曹格&卓文萱

2006-11-12 21:07:31
黑黑 讚 感恩喔!!^^
2006-11-12 22:03:40
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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